Their names are likely familiar: Alexa, Siri, Google, and Cortana. These digital assistants have created a phenomenon by drastically changing the landscape of technology and how people interact with it. Users can ask questions, schedule meetings, make phone calls — even shop online. Information is instantly accessed and easily delivered. But can your clients find you there?
Voice searches are rapidly becoming a common go-to, with an estimated 50% of all searches expected to be done via voice tools in 2020 (Comscore ). More than 420 million voice assistants have been sold to date. Not only are they a key…
For some of us, Alexa and Siri are like extended family. They turn on our lights, dial our phone, and reorder dog food on Amazon. Are they also helping promote your business?
By next year, experts estimate that half of all digital searches will be done using voice search. That’s awesome if you’re driving and want to change the radio station — but, it also means we need to optimize our business content to make sure we’re found.
Here are five areas to focus your efforts:
You must have a mobile-friendly website. This really isn’t even a question anymore, with more…
Your reputation is only as strong as your client’s last experience with you. How are you ensuring that every client experience is good?
Not only does that experience make your clients happy, but it improves your bottom line.
Research by American Express found that 60% of customers are willing to pay more for a better experience. And, common sense tells us, they’re more likely to stay with us and give their referral if they’re happy.
Customer Relationship Management software or CRM lets us track and review purchase history and interest in order to be attentive and proactive. It lets us do things like…
Let’s take a mini time-out from marketing — to talk about operations. Before we can execute a good marketing strategy, entrepreneurs need structure and organization to successfully launch and grow.
Whether you are starting a new business or going through a period of growth, your business is only as strong as the foundation you build — especially as you grow and scale.
Make sure you take the time you need to set up the right tools for email, CRM, and your sales pipeline.
You also need the right organization and procedures in place for invoicing, tracking expenses,…
There is one key component behind every successful marketing campaign — good content.
Whether you’re putting together digital ads, social media content, or a multi-media marketing campaign, with the right content, you can establish trust, build relationships, and produce quality leads.
It takes strong, authentic content to capture interest, create and maintain a relationship.
After all, marketing is all about building relationships or connections. So, to create quality content:
You must first establish and understand your marketing goals. Your goals will determine the message you share with your audience. Your content is the vehicle for that message. Writing compelling content will…